
Of the many options and kits available we have chosen the South African Birkin - a kit which faithfully reproduces the beauty of Colin Chapman's original car and which you build up with component parts from the factory, adding in your choice of engine and transmission.

This holds true to the tradition of garden shed mechanics without requiring quite the level of welding skill, or CAD programming, that some of the amazing, home built clubman cars require. Or at least we hope not, as neither of us have done anything like this before.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Windscreen mounts

We recently popped the scuttle on to drill the windscreen mount holes. For some reason this was a job we'd really been putting off. Something to do with a complete lack of hand eye co-ordination and the fact that now that parts are painted we live in fear of scratches and dings (despite the fact that when we first drive it its bound to get stone chips everywhere!)

However, by using very small pilot drills bits for accuracy and a pair of calipers to check the distance between the holes on the mounting bracket, it all went without much loss of life. Drilling into your pride and joy still feels very wrong though - similar to the dashboard experience - and we were glad when it was all over.


As with all builds we've had a bit of a hiatus while we wait for bits and pieces to turn up. Since the gauges arrived we decided to slot them in along with a few dash board lights.

The gauges are Stack items, which are black faced and therefore fairly traditional, but they're also backlit, which looks pretty cool.
As suspected not all the sizes matched up. For the dash light this was easy to fix as it just involved a step drill, but the tacho was a different matter as the hole needed to be shifted right as well as being enlarged. An old school compass, a bit of card, some masking tape and a metal file later and all was serene. It's not very relaxing atttacking your carbon fibre-like dash board and I was glad when it was over!