
Of the many options and kits available we have chosen the South African Birkin - a kit which faithfully reproduces the beauty of Colin Chapman's original car and which you build up with component parts from the factory, adding in your choice of engine and transmission.

This holds true to the tradition of garden shed mechanics without requiring quite the level of welding skill, or CAD programming, that some of the amazing, home built clubman cars require. Or at least we hope not, as neither of us have done anything like this before.....

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Well, we finally made it. Obviously it wasn't straightforward as, on a typical Melbourne day, we watched a weather front move in across the bay on the radar maps. We must have angered the Gods with our car's unnatural beauty. 45 minutes before the appointment at Vic Roads the heavens opened, wet weather gear was donned and off we went. It rained both there and back, but fortunately there was a space undercover for the actual inspection. The inspector was a very nice chap and clearly a car enthusiast and before we knew it we were the proud owners of a road registered, home built, mobile swimming pool!
It's a tremendous feeling and the drive home was fantastic. True, rain coats the inside of the screen as much as the outside due to turbulance, making the wipers decorative at best, and the semi slick tyres aren't the greatest when cold and driving through inches of water, but it was the most perfect drive I've had. It brings a huge smile just thinking about it now and needless to say all the effort to get to this stage is worth it for that moment alone!
Now, the real business of gradually upgrading the car begins.......!


  1. Kerry & Andrew
    Wonderful Congratulations. From our own experience, your smiles will get bigger every day. And the lesson I have learned is...there are places that only a race car can take you.
    Cheers and Peace, Lynn & Al from the Milford track

  2. Hi Al - great to hear from you guys and thanks for your comments. Best wishes to Lynn and yourself from Kerry and I!
